Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ice Cream Parlor

Hey jammers!  I am very apologetic for yesterday's absence of a post and today's late one!  Keeping up with the posting schedule has become more of an obstacle than ever!
Now, we have a very exciting new update!  The headline of this update is Turning the Tide, the new ocean adventure!
I can't wait to play it!  And if any of you have a prize guide you would like to share with the AJO community, be sure to email!
Yup, it's been officially confirmed!  Otters will be arriving to Jamaa soon!
Be sure to watch the video, it's a cutie, for sure!
And now, the results are in!  The winner of the den item contest is - you guessed it-
...the ice cream parlor!  Ooh, I can't wait to make my own little ice cream parlor den!
And a little advertisement for the Animal Jam Insider's Guide!  Man, I keep forgetting to get it!
And then, of course, there's adoption week, and a new den preview feature!  Sorry for the lack of a screenshot!  And don't forget to check out the new ice cream parlor den items!
That's all for now jammers!  See you in Jamaa!

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