Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tall Tiki Table

Hey jammers, sorry for the lack of posts lately!  I've been having a few computer problems, but hopefully they've been sorted out.
Well, today's new item is the tall tiki table!
I really like this style, the wood looks so cool!
Now, let's go with Dr. Thys on a deep sea diving adventure!
And for Timely Tuesday, the jammer who comments nearest 11:00 AM will win a small prize!
Now I'm going to wrap this post up with the leaving item. Say good-bye to the sports jersey!
That;s all for now!  See you in Jamaa!

P.S.  Would you like to give this blog a little boost?  Please tell three friends who play Animal Jam about this blog, and ask them to do the same!  Thank you to all who help out, from commenting to spreading the word!

P.P.S. Want giveaways, updates, and more?  Visit Tallstar107 AJ on YouTube for even more AJ fun!


  1. Creepy! There's a grinning tiki statue DOWN THERE! Aahhh!!! It's going to chomp your paws off!

    Exaggeration is one of my thing. XD

    1. Haha!
      Thanks for commenting, you've won Timely Tuesday! Congratulations! Your prize is on it's way!
