Monday, June 30, 2014

Rare Freedom Tie

Hey jammers!  Back from vacation!
Today's rare item is the rare  freedom tie!

Hmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that this is the first freedom neck item!
Now this can't be right!  Am I really this unpopular?
Haha, just kidding, I have about 50 or so buddies... Pity AJHQ doesn't seem to know that...
And over on the Daily Explorer, we have a pawsome post about the RIM!
That's all for now jammers!  See ya in Jamaa!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hey jammers!  Sorry about the lack of posts, I'm way busier than I thought I would be.  I'm going to shut this blog down ONLY FOR A WEEK AND A HALF, as I have summer camp this week and vacation next week.  I will certainly be keeping my YouTube channel up: Tallstar107 AJ
Check it out if you'd like :)  See you in Jamaa!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pro Soccer Goal

Hey jammers!  Today's new item is the pro soccer goal, sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
Could this possibly be a replacement for the soccer goal that left stores yesterday?
And now, the exciting new update!  First of all, we have Bubble Trouble, the new underwater adventure for all jammers!  Be sure to bring a dolphin along, as there is a dolphins only treasure chest!
I also have a prize guide!  
Top left box - ocean treasure chest
Top middle - 1000 gems
Top right  - reef coral
Bottom left - chomper clam
Bottom right - phantom coral
Hope this helped!
Another exciting part of the update is the Daily Spin!  Now you can earn ever more diamonds AND rare items!  Additionally, there are some new pawsome colors for your animal.
Next in the update, spirit armor is now for sale in the diamond shop!  All the armor from the Monthly Member Gift, and two new pieces.  And if you're looking for some flags, head over to the Flag Shop while the sale lasts!
And be sure to enter AJHQ's accessory contest!  Draw an accessory you want in Animal Jam, and send it in to AJHQ!  Also, be sure to check out the printable pages at the Medical Center to help save animals in the wild.
Make sure you buy a lion from the Diamond Shop, members, because they will become endangered in two weeks!
I've heard many distressing rumors about yesterday.  One of my buddies jamagramed me yesterday, telling me that people were saying if you logged off or refreshed, you got banned.  At the time, I thought this was just people trying to impersonate AJHQ.  However, there was soon a notification that said that AJ would be restarting in ten minutes, five, and so on.  I went to a fun ten minute restarting party, and talked with some friends.  One of my friends confirmed the rumor, as some of her buddies were banned too.  We all guessed that this was what AJHQ was fixing.  Hopefully, all those who were banned unjustly were let back into the game!
And, over on the Daily Explorer, we have two new posts, one about Bubble Trouble, and the other about oceans.

And leaving stores is the soccer ball!

That wraps up today's post, jammers!  See you in Jamaa!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cosmo Tiki Statue

Hey jammers!  Today's new item is no surprise - the Cosmo tiki statue, sold in Jam Mart Furniture!
Cosmo seems to have the same... er... interesting expression on his face as Liza does.  I wonder how Greely would look doing that...
And now to misbehaving numbers...  Hmm, I believe you should be up a bit... Numbers these days...
And over on the Daily Explorer, we have some pawsome art celebrating World Oceans Day!
Time to wrap this post up with the soccer goal, which will be leaving Jam Mart Furniture tomorrow!  Be sure to get yours now!
That's all for now, jammers!  See you in Jamaa!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Liza Tiki Statue

Hey jammers!  Today's new item is the Liza tiki statue, sold in Jam Mart Furniture!
O.O  Liza looks a lot tougher than I remembered....
And, as you have probably seen before, there is a really strange glitch that seems to be happening very frequently.  Yes, my friends, I speak of the glitch of the miniature chat history!

And now, to happier subjects...mangroves!  What are mangroves, you say?  To that, I say, go to the Daily Explorer and find out!

And for today's Timely Tuesday, the jammer who comments from 10:00-10:30 A.M. (Pacific Time) will win a little prize!
And, wrapping up today's post, we have the good ol' bamboo fence, leaving stores today.
Ah, brings back memories of the good ol' days... a year or so ago... 
Well, that's all for now jammers!  See ya in Jamaa!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Rare Worn Blanket

Hello jammers, sorry for the lack of a post recently.  I've been much busier than I expected I would be after school ended.
Today's rare item is the rare worn blanket, sold on the first page of Jam Mart Furniture.

I love the color of this item!
And now, to a glitchy subject.
I have heard several reports of similar occurrences.  Do you know how to do this?
And a cute post on the Daily Explorer!  Be sure to check it out!
And I know today is Malfunctioning Monday, but I think that having a glitch every Monday is too much.  Please send in suggestions for what Monday can be!
Let's wrap up this post with the leaving item, the crystal.
That's all for now jammers!  See you in Jamaa!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Vine Lamp

Hey jammers!  Today's new item is the vine lamp!
This ongoing nature theme could make quite a pretty den!
Now, I was in Epic Wonders, when I spotted a snow leopard sitting on the wall!  Now, I know you're probably thinking of the game glitch, but it wasn't that.  He turned into an eagle, flew onto the wall, then turned into a snow leopard.  Before the change was complete, he was able to slide onto the wall.  It didn't work for me, and before I could get a screenshot, it stopped working for him too, but why don't you try?  Let me know how it goes!
And, over on the Daily Explorer, Liza has the hummingbird Jammer Snaps winners!  Congratulations, everyone!
That's all for today jammers!  See ya in Jamaa!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Vine Flower Lamp

Hey jammers!  I'm so sorry for the lack of posts, but now school's out, and I should have plenty more time to post every day :)
Well, today's new item is the vine flower lamp, going perfectly with yesterday's vine lamppost!
I really love these vine items, what about you?  They're so.. naturey :P
I'm afraid I don't have any time left.  See ya in Jamaa!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pearl Birthstone

Hey jammers!  Happy June!
Today's new item is the pearl birthstone, marking the beginning of June!

  Now, I have seen a glitch, multiple times, where the chat history text seems to have shrunk in size.  It happens most often in dens, but seems to have been fixed.  Have you experienced this?
And, over on the Daily Explorer, we have a post about the long-awaited Summer Carnival!

  And now, to Story Sunday.  Since there have been no stories sent in, I will provide you a link to my story blog.
  That wraps up today's post!  See ya in Jamaa :)
P.S. Anything you want to share?  Email me at